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Hispanic Heritage Month 2021

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2021 Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month 2021

Hispanic Heritage Month begins September 15 and continues until October 15. This Hispanic Heritage Month, Nerinx Hall Library wants to remind us all that there is no one way to be Hispanic, no one way to be Latinx, and no one way to be American. Latinx people can be black, white, indigenous, mixed, funny, serious, loud, quiet, curious, cautious, bold, reserved, angry, happy, kind, unkind, tall, short, and a thousand other things. Hispanic heritage is vast and varied so here are some resources to gain a little taste of the extraordinary, the terrible, and even the commonplace.


Some terms: 

Hispanic - adjective a person from or descended from a Spanish-speaking country. This includes Spain, but excludes Brazil as Portuguese is the spoken language of Brazil.

Latino/Latina - noun and adjective, a person from or descended from Latin America.

Latinx/Latine - gender neutral versions of Latino/Latina.

Latin America - the collections of countries in the American Continents that, due to colonization, speak Latin-based languages, namely Spanish and Portuguese. This is in contrast to the countries in the Americas that primarily speak English, a Germanic language, the US and Canada.

Definitions created from Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). In dictionary. Retrieved September 1, 2021, from